The Vignamont Oasis becomes
The Way of Being - El Camino del Ser
holistic center
Well-being / Light therapy / Relaxation
Hello everyone.
The Oasis de Vignamont has closed its doors, but Le chemin de l'Être, a holistic center, has just opened in Spain, in Yecla. I am happy to welcome you there.
The center
Hello, I introduce myself, Isabelle Wouters. I am 58 years old and by dint of being "a sponge", vis-à-vis what the people I was brought to meet felt, I had to find "natural" solutions in order to protect myself.
Who am I ?
Blog - News
Parcours d'études:
- Aromathérapie - Tina Russilo
- Développement personnel - Marie-France Pierre
- TRANSURFING - Trajet 4 modules
- Dien Chan - Niveau 6
- Ancienne praticienne et formatrice PBA (psycho bio acupressure)- Niveau 5
- Acupression émotionnelle
- Hypno-massage - Yvon Beauchamps
- Reiki - Niveau 2
- ambassadrice PSIO (luminothérapie et relaxation combinée)
- Facilitatrice Access Bars
- Facelift
- Healy
- Massage shirotchampi (formation en ligne)